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The Business Owners Forum

Why become a Business Owners Forum member?

It’s lonely at the top! As a leader, you are expected to be all-knowing and infallible. You are not always able to discuss the things that REALLY matter to you with your staff. So, who do you confide in and bounce ideas off? What are your goals and when did you last review them? What are the blockages that stop you from achieving your goals? How do you stay focussed?

Membership of the PortfolioExec Business Owners Forum will allow you to access other senior leaders’ experience, knowledge and wisdom, and share your own, helping to develop the expertise and proficiency of everyone in the room.

Our professional facilitator will ensure the Lounge is a safe, relaxed environment where you can be open and honest. The discussions at each session will inform the next month’s agenda.  You may wish to bring in any of your managers to a session if it is a topic that is relevant to them. Membership of the Lounge allows you access to a range of benefits.

Membership of https://portfolioexec.com/business-lounge-free-membership-application/ our Business Owners Forum is free for 2022. If you would like to join us at our bi-monthly, online sessions, apply via our simple application process. Click for FREE Membership Application 

Facilitated Action-Learning Group

Special Guest Speakers

Discussion Topics Relevant To You

Access to Library of Resources