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60-Minute Upskill – Find Your Inner Genius For Ultimate Business Success

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Date(s) - 16 November 2021
10:00 am - 11:00 am


Discovering your natural talent provides you and your team with the tools and strategies to achieve the success you want.
Understanding everyone’s ‘inner genius’ helps you improve the team dynamics and find ways that you can work together and support each other in areas you are not naturally drawn to.
When you are a team in Flow, productivity increases and results improve dramatically; you have more fun and feel more connected to the organisation. Fortune follows flow. Living your life in flow is living a life of good fortune.
Imagine a team that worked well together, could anticipate each other and could back each other up. A team fully ‘in flow’. What economic impact would that have on your business or organisation?’

Bernadette is an experienced, energetic and enthusiastic high-performance, transformational coach. As a lawyer mediator, published author and trainer, Bernadette has an abundance of skills to help make a difference in people’s lives.
A journey from litigation solicitor to Business & Family Peacemaker has been an exciting adventure over the last two decades. She is testimony to the fact that discovering and harnessing your own personal natural talent enables you to spend your time doing things you love, which then does not feel like work!
Bernadette has an easy and engaging style with a mission to “inspire you to find the best within yourself in order to give the best of yourself”.
For Bernadette, it’s always been about empowering her clients to discover their own natural resources, reach their full potential and support others to do the same.

To book on this free, online session, email anita@portfolioexec.com.

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