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How To Think Inside The Box

Have you ever thought that the world is changing so fast that you are struggling to keep up? Small business owners can be the last people to foster change – never mind having the time or skill set to think about their current challenges with new creativity and innovative thinking! ‘Thinking INSIDE the box’, as opposed to thinking OUTSIDE the box, uses a set of techniques that channel creativity in a way that works within your familiar world.
Originally a mechanical engineer by profession, Russell Mills now runs a company that implements Job Management (CRM system) for engineering service companies. In this session, Russell will introduce the five principles that can be used to understand the thinking behind the majority of the world’s new, inventive and successful products and services. The talk will use real-life examples: from a recent Weetabix campaign to examples in construction and CCTV business software that Russell has been part of.
Join us on Zoom for an hour, at 10 am on Tuesday 20th April. Book via contact anita@portfolioexec.com.
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