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1-Hour Workshop: Project Management – How Not To Screw It Up

Project management is about breaking down the overall project into a series of separate tasks, each of which is the responsibility of a named person. These are fitted together into a timetable with individual deadlines, all of which must be carefully monitored to achieve success. What could possibly go wrong?!

Having qualified as an accountant, Richard spent a year as a student doing a post-graduate Diploma in Management Studies. This gave him a wide range of skills, allowing him to become a lecturer, a project accountant, a financial systems Regulator, treasurer of a Building Preservation Trust, a charity spending £12m, a senior NHS manager, and an IT consultant. All enjoyable roles, which allowed him to see how project management can be made to work.

To book on this session, please email anita@portfolioexec.com for the Zoom link.

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